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Uso de ecclesiastical title en inglés
The Southern army had one prominent officer with a high ecclesiasticaltitle, the Rt.
MONSIGNOR, n. A high ecclesiasticaltitle, of which the Founder of our religion overlooked the advantages.
Indeed, his very ecclesiasticaltitle of office,-"Vicar, "isitself partly indicative and symbolical of the prophetic Antichrist.
But the basis on which all such theories are founded is a mere blunder as to the significance of an ecclesiasticaltitle.
I was quite amused to find our old friend Cardinal Talleyrand-withoutthe ecclesiasticaltitle-castin the role of chief adviser to the usurper, Bonaparte.
The Peelites, especially in the commons, were hostile to the ecclesiasticaltitles bill.
And since he's not a churchman, there are no ecclesiasticaltitles to soften it, as they have softened the stark fact of Ipswich.
"Frere Jacques," who taught the lithotomists of Paris, owes his ecclesiasticaltitle to courtesy, as he did not belong to a religious order.